I remember what being a teenager was like. I remember it all too well. You definitely have your ups and downs. I know that I had my fair share of the downs.
Some of you reading this right now may be experiencing some of the following things: Issues with self-confidence, acne problems, having no friends, trying hard to fit in, issues with body image, or bullying. There may also be some of you dealing with the pressures of drugs, sex, and alcohol.
I want to first start out by saying that YOU are special, YOU are somebody, and YOU have so much potential and greatness in you! Please realize how important you are! Don't you ever forget that!
I know that being a teenager can be difficult and challenging at times, but I'm getting ready to share some really helpful things for you to consider and think about.
Everybody is different. We are all unique in our own way. If you're one of those people who compare themselves to others, I would strongly recommend that you don't do that. Learn to love and embrace yourself for who you are. Focus on the goodness within yourself. Focus and build on your talents and special gifts that you have within you. If you're not too happy with your looks, it's okay to branch out and try different styles. Try doing something different with your hair. Try switching up your clothes for a different look. Make sure that you take good care of your hygiene. You should put effort into smelling good. You should also make sure that your hair, nails, teeth, and face are clean and well-kept.
I know some of you may be reading this and saying to yourselves "Did she really just say that?" Yes I did. I know that you're all old enough to know better, but this is just a friendly reminder. If you take good care of yourself, overall, you'll start to feel better about yourself. You have to make an effort.
Everybody wants to feel good about themselves, so I'm going to give you some tips on what you can do to work on building high self-esteem.
Recognize what you're great at and build on that. Involve yourself in positive activities that make you feel good about yourself. Learn to be positive and speak nothing but good things about yourself. Get out of the habit of beating yourself up or putting yourself down. Give yourself credit where it's due. Remember, we all make mistakes. Don't be so hard on yourself when you make a mistake. Learn from it.
Create opportunities that you can be proud of. If you like to dance, try your best to stand out and be the greatest! Do you enjoy playing some kind of instrument? If so, play with all of your heart and soul. Stand out and make people notice you! I'm sure I have some readers who have a talent for drawing, painting, and/or sculpting. Do you realize how much skill and talent this takes? You have a gift. Share it with the world! Where are my singers at? Don't just sing in the shower or at home. Keep honing your skills and use your beautiful and powerful voice to "WOW" others! I think you get my point. Let your light shine and be great at whatever you set out to do!
Set goals for yourself. Visualize what it is you want to accomplish and go for it! Here's an important tip I want to share with you: BELIEVE in yourself and your capabilities. Don't ever doubt who you are! Get excited about your future!
Take some time to really look at YOU. I mean it. Instead of finding things that you don't like about yourself, focus on what you do like. Remember what I said earlier: Do NOT compare yourself to others. You are who you are. Keep your head up! It's important to value who you are, respect who you are, and, most importantly, love who you are! You have purpose on this earth.
I challenge you to be consistent and stick with what works for you. In time, you'll be walking around feeling great about yourself! One step at a time, you'll get there. Trust me, you will!
Teenage years aren't easy, but with effort, change, and determination, you'll become stronger, wiser, and an overall better you. Stand tall and have courage.
Love Yourself for Who You Are
Reviewed by Unknown
2:00 AM

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