Drink Water to Lose Weight

Drink Water to Lose Weight
Drink Water to Lose Weight

More than two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. Without it, we would only survive for a few days. It forms the basis of our saliva and the fluid around our joints, helps regulate our body temperature, maintains muscle tone, removes toxins, keeps skin clear, sends nutrients to the brain, and keeps food moving through our intestines, preventing constipation.

The best source of water for our bodies is drinking water, but we also get a lot from foods and other drinks.

Not drinking enough water can cause dehydration which can lead to forgetfulness, fatigue, hunger, headaches, painful joints, digestive disorders and, in severe cases, death. Drinking enough water won't only help to keep your insides healthy and your skin looking great, it will also help you lose weight. Here's how:

1. Water contains no calories, fat or cholesterol. Switching from soda to water will drop your calorie intake significantly.
2. It's a natural appetite suppressant. Try drinking a glass of water with lemon before a meal, you'll eat less.
3. It helps the kidneys flush out toxins and other waste so that your liver can get on with metabolizing fat.
4. It helps carry nutrients around your body.
5. If you don't drink enough water your body will take it from fat cells. With less water, those fat cells won't be as effective at shifting the fat to create energy.

So how much is enough? Ideally you should aim to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day (that's almost 2 liters). If you don't think you're drinking enough, try these tips to help you get your 8 glasses every day.

1. Keep a glass of water by your bed. As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink it.
2. Keep a jug of chilled water in the fridge. Every time you arrive home pour yourself a glass and drink it straight away.
3. Always carry a bottle of water with you (use an eco-friendly reusable bottle like one of these cool Sigg bottles).
4. Keep a jug of water on your desk at work and make sure it is empty by lunch. Then refill it and make sure it is empty again before you leave at the end of the day.
5. Drink herbal teas instead of caffeinated drinks.
6. Take a few sips from a water fountain whenever you see one.
7. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before every meal (drinking it with a meal can water down your digestive juices and hinder effective digestion).
8. If you're hankering for a snack try drinking a glass of water first. Often we mistake thirst for hunger.
9. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
10. Order soup as a starter or an entrée when out for a meal.

So make sure you remember, 8 glasses a day.
Drink Water to Lose Weight Drink Water to Lose Weight Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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