How To Grow Taller Naturally For Teenagers

How To Grow Taller Naturally For Teenagers
How To Grow Taller Naturally For Teenagers

This article is for those teenagers who would like to boost their height growth. You may feel that your friends or other classmates are growing taller at a much faster pace than you. You may want to do something about it. Below are 5 tips to get you started. Many health experts agree it is possible to boost height growth in teenagers by following a proper diet and doing regular exercises.

1. You should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night if you want to experience a boost in your height growth.
Nowadays many people are not getting sufficient sleep. This can cause lot of problems. It is important to retire to bed early at night. Research has proven that sleeping early provides many health benefits. Even if you get 8 hours of sleep it won't be beneficial if you have the habit of going to bed late at night. Try to sleep before 10 PM each night and you will experience a much better quality of sleep. This can have tremendous impact on your health and also height growth.

2. It is a well-known fact that you need to be physically active if you want to enjoy a healthy life.
Physical activity also helps in boosting height growth. Many teenage boys and girls these days spend hours sitting in front of computers, failing to get sufficient amount of physical activity. Studies have shown that teens who run, cycle or swim on regular basis usually grow taller than those who are not involved in any physical activity.

3. Doing stretching exercises regularly, specially early in the morning,
is another good technique to boost height growth. In addition to this, regular breathing exercises can also prove helpful in this regard.

4. Eating unhealthy junk food can cause health problems and slow down the proper growth of the body. Instead of junk food, make it a habit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables as well as eating lot of nuts, fish, lean meat and dairy products.

5. It is also important to maintain proper posture while standing, sitting, walking or doing any work.
The human spine is 'S' shaped. When you are standing correctly it would appear as if a string is running straight from the crown of the head, passing through the center of torso, to the heels. When you have poor posture, a portion of the back appears too much curved in one direction. There are many exercises to correct the posture. If you do them regularly for a few days the posture can be easily corrected. From them on you have to be mindful throughout the day that you are not going back to your old ways of standing or sitting.
How To Grow Taller Naturally For Teenagers How To Grow Taller Naturally For Teenagers Reviewed by Unknown on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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