Let's face it, many of us eat mainly for our appearance, while our health is way down on the list. Or perhaps when it comes to eating, health is a genuine priority for you, but your appearance is nevertheless your top priority.
But what if eating for your booty were actually the problem? What if eating for your physical-self -- often created anxiety, pressure, stress and ultimately led to depression and binge eating?
Think of all the times you tried your damnedest to lose weight, to fit into your skinny jeans, or look good for an upcoming event -- and were highly disappointed with the results. Or you lost the weight and were unable to maintain it. You ended up showing your frustration and disappointment by eating more, didn't you?
Isn't it time you started eating for a truly solid motivator? Isn't it time you started to eat for your health, alone? Not for how others perceive you, but for how you feel inside your body? The beautiful bonus of your new, healthy adventure is that you'll watch in amazement as your outside begins to match your inside.
So you're excited to begin eating for your health, right? Yay!
Here are 3 simple tips to begin eating for your health and gradually bring yourself to a healthy, PEACEFUL weight:
1. Make A List
Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Label one side "Dieting" and one side "Healthy". On the "Dieting" side list all the ways dieting makes you feel and on the "Healthy" side all the wonderful things you feel when you're healthy or the ways you've always imagined healthy feels. For example, on the "Healthy" side you might list, "Energetic" or "Great digestion," while on the "Dieting" side you might list, "Starving." Now tear the sheet along the line and throw away the dieting side. Begin to focus only on the positivity of health.
2. Choose Foods for Their Nutritional Value and Likeability Rather Than for their Calories.
Allow yourself to indulge in avocados and nuts, for example. While seemingly "fattening," they are packed with fiber and vitamins. Tempted to choose the reduced fat peanut butter? Find a wholesome organic nut butter with nothing but the nuts, instead. Your body knows when it's being bamboozled and doesn't react kindly to poor substitutes, so choose food that is unrefined and as "close to the earth" as often as possible.
3. Cook More
Home-cooked food is more nutritious and healthy than outside food, as it is not produced on a mass scale, and more importantly, it is prepared by you and your family members. This ensures 100% hygiene (hopefully) and wholesomeness. Moreover, home-cooked food is fresh, unlike restaurant food, where there are chances that you may be served food that has been sitting in a warmer a good part of the day. And, of course, the fresher the food, the more vitamin and nutrient rich it is.
Are You Eating for Your Health or Your Booty?
Reviewed by Unknown
12:00 PM
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