Eat These Vegetables to Help You Lose Abdominal Fat
That title sounds crazy, right? But it is true. There are specific vegetables that will actually help stimulate the burning of belly fat.
One thing that most people do not realize is that there are certain chemicals found all around us, such as pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that have an estrogenic effect on our bodies. This chemical can increase belly fat by inducing the body to store fat. And just because it is an estrogen, doesn't mean that women are out of the woods. Too much estrogen is bad for both men and women.
These chemicals mentioned above are called xenoestrogens. You are exposed to them daily in sources like your water supply and food supply. These estrogen compounds are often fed to chicken and cattle to increase meat, egg and dairy production. They can even be found in your hair care and cosmetic products. Today's problem is that, even if you live in a low pollution area and eat an organic diet, it is highly likely that you are getting at least some exposure to xenoestrogens. We live in an age of excessive estrogen stimulation and these xenoestrogens are actually sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Xenoestrogens have even been linked to many health disorders as well. Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, breast cancer and cervical cancer (among others) have all been linked to xenoestrogens.
What can you do to fight against these xenoestrogens that are actually forcing your body to hold on to stomach fat?
These specific vegetables that I mention below can actually counteract the effects of the xenoestrogens.
There are many classes of vegetables, drinks and spices that have compounds which help ease the effects of xenoestrogens. One of the best classes of foods are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage.
These cruciferous vegetables contain phytonutrients that help the body fight the effects of the xenoestrogens, and thus helping your body burn pesky abdominal fat more effectively. These phytonutrients bind to the same receptors that xenoestrogens adhere to. If a receptor site is already occupied by a phytonutrient, then the xenoestrogen cannot attach to it.
These cruciferous vegetables are great sources of other nutrients that your body needs to thrive... and now you can add burning belly fat to the list of reasons to eat them! Don't miss out on this easy way to help you accomplish your weight loss and fitness goals.
Eat These Vegetables to Help You Lose Abdominal Fat
Reviewed by Unknown
9:30 PM

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