All of us want to lose weight. But none of us wants to pick up the routine of waking up early for a jog or run, or to hit the gym in order to look slim and healthy. But unlike most say, working out is not the sole way to lose the fat. The main mantra to lose weight lies in the type of diet and eating habits one follow, and if the can be corrected, you could see the effectiveness within three days. So in this article, we will give you some tips on how to start losing that extra fat within three days- without working out.
Losing Weight Minus the Exercise:
Our body always burns calories in order to survive. While exercising, the difference is that the rate of burning of calories is greater. So you must keep a record on the amount of calorie intake per day to keep his weight on check. The next thing to do is to take a glass of water 10 minutes before a meal. Not only this satisfies your thirst, but it also takes up a bit up of your stomach space, and thus keeps you satisfied by eating less. Also it prevents you drinking during the course of a meal, which is unhealthy. If sugary drinks are on your craving list, then add a bit of lemon to your water to spice up things.
Increasing Metabolism:
Always maintain a balanced diet in order to stay healthy, not too much fat on one day and boiled vegetables the next. It hampers the routine and is unfit for losing weight. Find out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), for it helps you to calculate what your regular calorie intake should be. Don't let yourself starve, for it is very unhealthy. It basically makes your body think that you are on a fast, due to which your body will slow down the rate of metabolism in order to maintain your calories, which means your body will burn fewer amounts of calories. Eat food that takes longer time to digest, for by this process, you will not feel hunger frequently, which is vital to maintain the weight of a person.
Don't Starve:
Never it too much at once, and then eat nothing for the whole day. It increases the sugar level in your blood and burns up the food instead of those extra calories in your body. Eat less and eat at regular intervals. Take smaller bites, as it helps to digest the food better and helps lower the amount of calorie intake.
Eat the Right Meals:
It's always important to eat the right meals. Never skip your breakfast, it's the worst thing to do, for it jump starts the metabolism at the start of the day. Eat food that contains protein and carbohydrate, for the breakfast is the main meal of the day. Control stress eating, because when in stress, we tend to consume more, bigger bites and higher calorie intake, which all translates to be negative for losing weight. And the last thing is to avoid eating late. Make yourself a deadline, and consume herbal tea after a meal, for it is healthy and makes you feel full.
How to Lose Weight in 3 Days Without Working Out
Reviewed by Unknown
2:00 AM

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