How To Lose Weight Without Dieting

 How To  Lose Weight Without Dieting
 How To  Lose Weight Without Dieting
Wouldn't it be great if there really was a way to lose weight without having to diet? Read on to find out if there is..

Are you done with programs that just don't work?
Have you had enough of feeling tired and hungry in the vain attempt to lose weight?

I honestly know how you're feeling and I also know that going hungry does not work, all it does is put your system on starvation alert so that whenever you eat it grabs everything it can and stores it as fat in preparation for the next time you starve, reiterating the fact that one of the main reasons why you don't lose weight is that you may not be eating enough?

More often than not, when talking about diets, most people automatically think - boring food - hunger - craving etc. This is true for all the fad diets on offer out there and the only things you will get out of taking part in one of these diets will be, fatigue, irritability, ill health and probably a lot more weight than ever before.

Some of these 'diets' have you on edge before you start - with thoughts like:

I'm not looking forward to starving or
I can't eat this or
I can't do that or
I do hope that protein shake tastes good or
I'm way too busy to go to the gym everyday or
No, I won't start dieting today, maybe tomorrow or next week or whenever

If you are thinking of going on a 'diet' and have thoughts like these, then rest assured it will not work in the long term! Of course, you may lose weight if you are not eating enough, but sadly, this is what we call 'water weight' and whats more, if you are not getting enough nourishment, you will lose valuable muscle tone which leads to your body's inability to burn fat, and when you can't take it anymore and you decide to end this nonsense 'diet', the weight returns with a vengeance, bringing 1 or 2 friends along for the ride, and so the 'yoyo effect' starts but this time you are fatter than before.

Thankfully - You really can lose weight without 'dieting'.

What you need to do first of all, is to take the negative connotation out of the word 'diet'. Start seeing dieting as a healthy eating plan, that lets you eat food and lots of it.
Yes! Its a fact, as silly as it may sound, if you want permanent weight loss, you really need to eat a sufficient amount of good food. The reason being, is that food gives you energy, revs up metabolism and helps build lean muscle, making it easier to burn fat. Insufficient food means, no energy - no muscle - slow metabolism which will result in surplus fat, progressing to obesity then if you don't make a lifestyle change you will surely end up becoming morbidly obese, if you continue following fad diets.

Don't get me wrong, making this change is not that easy, you need to make a commitment to get started and see it through until you have become accustomed to your new healthy lifestyle and your body is burning fat 24/7 even while resting. I promise you, this will happen.

Now that its quite clear that you can lose weight without dieting by simply eating more of the right foods, lets look at where to start.

You need a strategy to follow.

If you have enough time for research or already have enough knowledge on the scientific makeup of foods and what are good carbs and bad carbs, why should protein be included in a diet, should we be eating some form of fat and why, what are the fat burning foods and what are the foods that cause you to get fat, how much fibre should we be eating and why, how many daily calories do I need, and all the rest of it, then you should be able to put together a eating plan that will get you losing weight the right way.

If you're like me and many others who find it difficult to structure a weight loss plan on your own, and prefer the easy way out then, what you can do is - find a guide to help you get started.This guide should contain a combination of a good eating plan which includes advice, tips, tricks and recipes and a step by step exercise routine that will have you burning fat even while you sleep.....Yes sirree! Exercise is a crucial part of a good weight loss program, it is just as essential as the food we eat, in that it helps to build muscle and muscle helps you burn fat faster.
The trick is to enjoy whatever you do. If you don't like or don't have the time to go to the gym, don't despair, there are other ways to get fun out of exercising. Some examples are:

1. Do a couple of laps around the block each day.
2. Swimming is a great all round exercise.
3. Join a Zumba class or buy the dvds - dance to your hearts content and release the happy hormones.
4. Get hold of a Nintendo Wii, have fun and get a real good workout playing one of the many interaction games available. This is definitely a great past time for the whole family.

Get the drift?
Find something that gets the fat burning and makes you happy, anything as long as it gets you moving!!

In Short:
Good Food + Exercise + Expert Help + Action = A Lean Mean Fat Burning Machine!! You can do it - I know you can.
How To Lose Weight Without Dieting  How To  Lose Weight Without Dieting Reviewed by Unknown on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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