Meditation has been around for thousands of years, used in different forms and formats across time and space to help us restore a balance between mind, body and spirit. A potent tool for inner and outer well-being, meditation helps eliminate stress, anxiety and all the chinks that make our life and day unbearable, helping us retrace our steps back to harmony and wholeness.
Given the pace and demands of the modern work life however, it isn't always possible to step away and meditate - it's hard enough to manage our time within our existing commitments as it is. So here are 5 simple and easy meditation techniques, which are low on demand and big on impact, to help you wipe away work related stress and anxieties.
These are short and sweet meditation exercises that can be squeezed in between jobs or into your lunch hour to help you cope with your demanding work life like a boss! Plus it doesn't matter how much experience and understanding you have of the filed; these meditations are simple enough to be undertaken and done effectively by just anyone.
1. Breathing Exercise
Focusing on the breath is the easiest way to calm down and harmonize our mind, body and spirit. Take a few moments to count your in-breath and out-breath, extending these by a couple of counts as you breath deeper and slower. Also try and regulate your breathing so your in-breath and out-breath come into a steady rhythm of equal length. As you focus on your breath, you will find your mind and body relax as they let go of the stress that may have occupied them previously.
2. Coffee Cup Meditation
The coffee cup meditation makes your tea/ coffee break at work a lot more relaxing and revitalizing. Based on mindful practices, this meditation exercise requires you to step away from your desk when you next take your break. Sit by yourself and actually focus only on the coffee in your hand. Notice its color, textures, scents and the experience every sip brings, allowing your senses to wholeheartedly engage with the cup at hand. Being mindful slows your mind and body down, helping it release stress and relax, while heightening your senses to become more observant, alert and alive.
3. Grounding with Nature
When it all gets too much and the chatter in your head gets to epic volumes and proportions, let nature come to your rescue. Spending time with nature - whether surrounded in her bounty outdoors or just with your pet indoors - helps switch the chemical balance of your mind and moves it from stress to surrender. Taking in the sensory cocktail on offer here, the sights, sounds and rich stimuli heal our being, help us relax and recuperate, and take our attention out of our mind into our body and the present moment.
4. Take a Walk
Another simple yet highly effective mindful meditation exercise is to step out of our workspace and take a walk, focusing on the rich diversity and details of the world around us as we move through it. Walks shift us from a planning and problem solving mode into an experiential mode where we play observer. Switching our mind into a different gear, a simple walk can help us breathe more easily and reflect more calmly on the proceedings of the day. Not only does this benefit our state of being, but answers too come more easily once we are relaxed.
5. Guided Visualization
If you find it next to impossible to step too far away from your work desk, then guided visualizations might be just the solution for you. These are easily available as mp3s and you can plug into one at your desk, allowing yourself to be carried to a more pleasing and relaxing space and state.
5 Easy Meditation Exercises For People With Work Stress
Reviewed by Unknown
3:59 PM

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