New to Meditation?
More and more, meditation is being seen as the go to self-care practice. Meditation removes brain clutter. It is a simple idea that transforms lives. Meditation is especially important for busy executives and professionals who may be overwhelmed with things to do. This kind of pattern over stimulates certain brain centres and underworks others. Over time it reduces a professional's effectiveness. No matter what your role is-from research, creative to accounting, meditation can mean alertness, sustained attention and clarity.
Did you know that our habitual patterns in the brain make us do the same thing over and over again? you may actually notice that in many organizations, the same work or idea keeps recirculating and people stop having fresh ideas. A regular practice of meditation for busy professionals can mean focusing on important priorities and less stress while working. Less stress means your brain can refresh itself during sleep.
If you are new to meditation, these do's and don'ts make it easier for you to start and sustain a meditation practice.
Meditation Do's
At the minimum meditation should be practiced for 20 minutes a day.
Practice it at the same time every day. This is more effective than 20 minutes snatched whenever, because your brain will get used to emptying at the same time and start doing it by itself. This phenomena is called brain plasticity i.e. the self-learning brain.
Try meditation for pain relief, especially chronic pain sufferers. It works and saves your body from toxic chemicals for pain relief.
Try meditation for self-awareness and whole self integration. It is cheaper than going to a talk therapist.
Try a few meditation styles and teachers. Take the time to go to people who appear unusual. It takes some serious mental strength to be authentic.
Introduce meditation to children and teenagers. Get a tape that helps them relax in the evening and is fun to listen. Your whole family can benefit when you start your practice. You can make it a family time activity.
Meditation Don'ts
Don't mix meditation, the practice, with a theory of life or rituals that may be attached with it. Meditation is found in many cultures of the world.
Don't rush to arrive at spiritual transcendence or quick results. Doing meditation does not make you anything except self-aware. Self-awareness is the key to self-fulfillment. If you don't know what you really want in life, how can you ever hope to get it?
Don't think that meditation can solve your problems. You solve your problems. Meditation helps you to take care of your mind, so that you are strong enough emotionally and mentally to solve your problems.
Don't make meditation an escape from the duties and expectations from life.
On the other hand, don't make duties an escape or excuse not to practice meditation.
Don't think that your experiences while meditating should be similar to someone else's. Your gifts of the mind may not be at all like someone else's. Our individual consciousness is unique.
Meditation Do's and Don'ts
Reviewed by Unknown
6:07 AM

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