How To Be Thankful

How To Be Thankful
How To Be Thankful

This time of year we celebrate being thankful. We are all thankful for family, friends, and good health. Abundance in our lives comes in many forms as well which we are grateful for. I wonder how many of us take the time to be thankful for that which is the essence of all life.

I have looked outside my kitchen window every morning as well as most of the day for the last twenty-six years. It is a blessing that I am witness to Mother Natures beauty constantly. She sits in full view as I celebrate the life I live. Surrounded by the elements of earth, water, fire and air I am thankful to live where I do. In the fall, especially, the colors of the fallen leaves and bare trees allows me to whisper a quick goodbye to the warmth of the summer. The stillness of the water reminds me of the summertime joys. It is as if the boats are in a parade as they are going out to the bay for recreation or fishing. While white Swans and Ducks float by, the laughter of my children and grandchildren in the pool are the memories in my mind's eye as I still hear the echo of their laughter.

The Sunday barbecues will have to wait until next year as we close the barbecue, cover the furniture and pool. The promise of the changing of the seasons allows me to know that one morning I will get up and the beauty of a winter wonderland will be covering everything. It is the memory of winters past, snow suits, boots, mittens, building a snowman or igloo and hot chocolate that warms my heart. The cold crisp air fills my lungs as I breathe in the fresh air. Preparations for the Holidays will fill me with delight and the wonder of neighbors lights takes me back to my own childhood traditions. There is an energy to the holiday season that screams with amazement and joy that one is thankful for everyone and everything! Slowly the days begin to change as the trees and flowers start to blossom as spring approaches, I know that the swans and ducks will return. I wait in anticipation for the opening of the pool, the singing of birds in the trees and the warmth of the sun on my face. I am thankful to be part of this cycle of life; the celebrations and holidays that bring family and friends together.

I fill with gratitude that I walk the earth connected to my ancestors as well as all of the world. The foods that are consumed because they come from its bounty. Water a force in all our lives that is used unconsciously by everyone. We drink, wash and consume water daily in many forms. Looking up at the sun in the sky I feel blessed by its nourishment that it provides. It is this element of fire that reminds me of the unknown in life's journey. The breathe I take in and out of my body is always there for me as a sustenance that is part of my essence as I meditate, pray, talk and exist.

Being thankful is being aware that I have a choice in how I believe and choose to live my life.

Life is a cycle we choose to live and learn from. We can choose to be kind, to love, to simply be amazed by the births and the deaths we encounter. It is how we live that enables no regrets in the end. To be thankful is to know that everyone is doing the best that they can. Be filled with wonder! Allow joy to nourish your soul! Simply be a being of love!

How To Be Thankful How To Be Thankful Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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